Tuesday, October 9, 2007

TECH: McDonalds Offers Up McWifi UK-Wide

In a disgustingly underhanded move sure to please chubbsters and shareholders across Her Majesty's Great Island, McDonalds has announced plans to introduce free Wi-Fi access in its 1,200 outlets across the UK.

McDonald’s Restaurants chief executive Steve Easterbrook said: “The launch of free Wi-Fi in our restaurants in the UK is an exciting move that we believe will further enhance our customers’ experience when they visit us.”

Yay, now we have even more reason to justify that extra Big Mac or two (and plus, we get to order fries now instead of all those damned 'Grande' Lattes when we want free Wi-Fi access. Suck on that Starbucks!)


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VIDEO: So Called - You Are Never Alone

Weird. Check it.

Nothing here? Tough shit.

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Sunday, October 7, 2007

WTF: The Weirdest Japanese Products

I don't think I even need to write captions for these as they speak for themselves. More here if you're still interested.

And here is the rest of it

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VIDEO: Prankee Yankee (Prank Wars 6)

The latest from the Prank Wars series, from the guys over at College Humor:

How bad was that? But you know you want to watch the rest of them, so here they are.

And here is the rest of it

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